Mobile AR may be on the (slow) rise, but having more options make consumers more selective about which apps to try.
There are roughly 2,200 ARKit-enabled apps for iOS devices in the second quarter of 2018, compared to 1,950 in the first quarter, according to SuperData estimates made available to AListDaily.
The possibilities of mobile AR have piqued the interest of developers and consumers alike, but the marketplace is growing at a less-than-breakneck speed.
“Early excitement for the new technology brought a lot of curiosity, but with a modest addition of 250 apps since the last quarter, there aren’t many new ways to experience AR,” SuperData said in a statement.
Users accessed an average of three AR apps last year, according to SuperData Research. Now that the hype has subsided a bit, consumers have become hesitant to try every new app that gets released. In the last quarter, the average number of mobile AR apps accessed has dropped to two per user.
“App developers are also less attracted to the tech now that the hype has come down due to a lack of a clear monetization path,” added SuperData.
All is not lost for mobile AR, however. The research firm predicts a resurgence of interest later in the year, causing revenue to double over last year’s figures.
“There is still [an] opportunity for AR,” said SuperData. “Developers are dealing with a time of discovery—both for them and consumers—as they seek to understand how to best create for the tech. But this doesn’t mean times will always be tough for AR.”
Apple’s ability to develop AR tools is helping the company to give Android a run for its money. During its annual keynote, Apple unveiled ARKit 2, a new version of its AR development platform that includes multiplayer support, updated image tracking and a spectator mode, allowing a user to watch others play from a separate iOS device.
Brands are especially interested in using the technology to create interactive marketing campaigns. Recent Apple partners include Pixar, Fender and Lego. Last month, Universal released Jurassic World: Alive, which has been described as “Pokémon with dinosaurs.” This is probably a welcome comparison, considering the fact that Niantic’s 2016 monster-collecting game kickstarted the race for AR apps we see today.