With the year almost up, brands are already settling in to their campaigns for the remainder of the year. But where should they go heading into 2015 Clickz published a report explaining the top five social marketing trends to watch for, and how they can be used to their credit in the next coming year.
The first trend discusses the movement of a mobile-first world, with more people spending time on their mobile devices in the United States. The report showed an increase of devices with a 4.7 inch or larger screen, rising from four percent in the previous year to a third of the market this year. NPD Group reports that these devices now hold a place in one-quarter of all general phone sales.
Millennials use these devices quite often, according to Facebook, as overall daily active users have grown eight percent for this year. That’s small potatoes compared to mobile daily active users, who grew 15 percent and mobile-only daily active users by 34 percent.
With that, Clickz recommends switching from mobile-aware to mobile-first when it comes to outreach.
Next up, the increase of the pay-to-play market has picked up, as six percent of adults’ digital media time is spent on Facebook, while 10 percent of U.S. digital ad spending is also assigned to the site. Facebook continues to hold a strong social factor, including with games and other applications.
As a suggestion, Clickz recommends investing in smart social advertising, as well as working more on audience segmentation and targeting better advertising for the social front in general.
Leading into the third tip, social content takes a heavy focus. With that, it’s recommended that companies continue to build content, but don’t be careless about it. The report states that “social audiences themselves can be a truly inspired source of content that is authentic and highly sharable, when commissioned, moderated and presented in a creative way.”
The fourth step explains that, while YouTube is still a viable source for it, it’s no longer the only game in town when it comes to video. Short form video across Twitter’s Vine channel has picked up in traffic, as have GIF’s on Tumblr. Facebook also stated it had big viewing numbers, though they can’t be taken too heavily into account due to the use of auto-play.
The report suggests looking for more creative ways to utilize video to produce content, including short-form Vine videos. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about straightforward commercials anymore. One example of this is the FIAT 500 Endless Fun GIF ad, which can be watched below.
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