There’s no question that virtual reality (VR) has been the most exciting new technology teasing the game industry since the ascendance of smartphones. As yet, though, VR has been a tantalizing vision rather than a product, without a firm release date or a price point for any of the different VR hardware showcased. Until now, that is. MergeVR today announced it’s bringing VR to millions of iOS and Android smartphone owners this fall, with their VR Goggles and proprietary VR Motion Controller for the relatively low price of $129. The Merge Goggles are designed from a durable, soft and flexible foam, designed to fit any size head and a wide variety of smartphones. The MergeVR Controller is a wireless, handheld motion controller with nine inputs and 9-axis motion sensors.
“What we’ve created is fun, easy to use, and affordable,” says Andrew Trickett, Co-founder of MergeVR. “We’ve designed a truly consumer friendly, ground breaking product. We’re confident that MergeVR offers the best experience in mobile virtual reality.” The MergeVR Goggles are compatible with VR apps and 360-degree video already in the Google Play and Apple App Store. MergeVR is also partnering with top game and app developers to build virtual reality experiences.
Franklin Lyons
The co-founder and CEO of MergeVR, Franklin Lyons, spoke exclusively with [a]listdaily to give us some insights on this VR technology that will be available soon.
How many apps do you expect will be available for MergeVR when it ships?
We expect that about 12 unique experiences will be available, and we’ll grow from there. Our Developer Launch Partners Program is very active and growing fast for games and many other fun experiences. Also, remember, there are millions of smartphones in the marketplace; iOS and Android based phones will fit right into the slot in the MergeVR Goggles, allowing consumers to experience any of the growing number of VR apps already out there.
How difficult is it for developers to support MergeVR, including the motion controller? Will apps work without special modification with MergeVR?
We’ve made it really easy for developers to create content for MergeVR. We want it to be low risk and high gain for them as we launch and build market share. Also, for fantastic games that are already out there, the developer can easily recode for VR using our SDK, which is built on the Unity 3D software engine.
The Motion Controller controller is pretty amazing. It’s the industry’s first wireless handheld motion controller for mobile VR. The user doesn’t have to use a controller tethered to a PC. It’s full freedom. And straight out of the box, it’ll pair. No need to do a thing.
Also MergeStart is the menu of installed apps, which means in addition to superior gameplay, you don’t need to remove the VR Goggles to change from one experience to another.
How well does MergeVR deal with different sized smartphones? Is there an optimal size screen, both in dimensions and resolution, for the best VR experience?
We’re excited to say it fits them all! Even the bigger iPhone 6+. The super squishy and comfy material that the MergeVR Goggles are made of make it possible to fit a large, medium, or small phone. The material that the MergeVR Goggles are made of is a super cushy to fit any size head or face — a challenge for other systems.
What’s your marketing strategy for MergeVR? How will you make people aware of it, and then actually make the purchase decision?
We’re pretty darned excited about our fall launch — in time for the holiday shopping season. Anyone that’s eager to experience virtual reality and those who already have will understand how amazing it when they try it for themselves. We’ve watched early feedback and we see that once they have that “Aha” moment, most are hooked. We’re excited to be playing a part in bringing virtual reality to the everyday consumer. We have some interesting plans up our sleeves!
We fill a niche that no one else does. Everyone is talking about VR as if it’s in the future. It’s now and ours will be for everyone. MergeVR is lightweight, fits any face, affordable at MSRP $129, coming this year, and durable enough to be tossed on the couch or stuffed into a backpack — all the components that make it an easy decision.
Will MergeVR be sold at retail stores? Which ones?
MergeVR will be sold online and in retail stores, and we’ll be announcing more details about our product launch and purchase in the coming weeks.
Will there be any exclusive apps, or apps with features exclusive to MergeVR?
We’ll launch Merge VR Goggles and the VR Controller with around 12 different unique content experiences, and more being released regularly from that point onward. We are excited to talk more about our developers and the apps being created and can share that soon.
Do you think there will be one or two apps that will get people to buy MergeVR, or will it be the availability of a variety of apps that is most compelling to customers?
Right now there’s a demand for a comfortable, easy to use options to enjoy the quickly growing content in the Android and iOS App stores that already is available. Merge VR Goggles can be used with millions of Android and iOS smartphones that consumers already own. And then they can enjoy our launch of exclusives.
Plus, we have Merge Start, an app central to the Merge ecosystem. It’s a portal that organizes all your mobile VR content into one location. It’s easy to navigate with the controller, so there’s no need to take off the goggles to switch out your experience. With Merge Start you’ll be able to search, download, play and watch without leaving the immersive environment, which we are pretty excited about.
The Merge VR Controller allows the customer to navigate while in virtual reality, selecting, playing, and interacting with this new content in a new way.
MergeVR provides a way to enjoy not only what’s already available, but more importantly what is yet to come and coming soon. Virtual reality is in its early stages, and we’re excited to play a part in making it as widely available as possible.
Twitter: @MergeVR
Instagram: Merge_VR