Facebook is always looking for new ways to catch its social base’s attention with new advertising, and it may have just struck gold with a new format it intends to introduce in spades – the cinemagraph.
Adweek is reporting that Facebook, through both its own site and its wholly-owned Instagram page, will encourage brands to try out the new format, which works like an eye-catching advertisement that stands out from the usual norm, utilizing a half-video, half-photograph style.
“You’re going to start seeing a ton of these on Facebook,” said an advertising executive who has seen Facebook’s guide on the new format, which has been named Hacking Facebook Autoplay.
This isn’t the first time that cinemagraphs have been seen, as they’ve been made famous for the past few years by a pair of artists, Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck, who have spent a good amount of time in the advertising world. It utilizes a similar format to a GIF, but meant to run in an ad format, instead of as a separate video set-up.
Burg and Beck have already perfected using this format on other sites (like Tumblr), and now it appears Facebook wants to give it a try to see how effective it is for both users and advertisers.
“Because of autoplay, brands need to be doing more with this stuff,” said the ad exec. “This is something that plays out with motion in the feed that’s cool.”
Stouffer’s and Coca-Cola have already signed on to give the program a try, with their own advertisements put into play. The video ads would play in motion on a user’s feed without having to click a button. “Advertisers buy it just like video,” said the ad exec.
The ads would run on repeat, and in a non-obtrusive fashion, so it may catch users’ eyes while they scroll down their page.
When it comes to the idea of the cinemagraph, Burg explained that he and Beck were just playing around with “isolated motion” when they came up with the format. They believe it’s ideal when it comes to advertising. “People can’t stop staring at them,” he explained. “Isn’t that what advertisers want ”
And it’s a format that’s beginning to pick up in popularity. “We’ve had all kinds of new inquiries (from brands),” he explained. “They don’t want video that’s so noisy; they want a cinemagraph because it has more elegance.”
No word yet on when Facebook will introduce the program on a wide scale, but it shouldn’t be too long.
You can check out examples of cinemagraphs in action here.