There are tunes that can certainly fit a person’s mood, whether it’s kicking back with easygoing selections or rocking out to some classic Lynyrd Skynyrd to relieve work-related stress. However, the introduction of HeartbeatsMUSIC could change the way a user listens to music forever.
PSFK reports that the program, a concept put together by Beats Music for use with the Apple Watch, utilizes the pulse function within the device, and organizes tracks based on beats that may be playing nearby – or with the rhythm of the user’s pulse itself. The categorization happens automatically, this providing an “Upbeat Workout Playlist” (or whatever may fit the pulse) to keep that tempo going. The video below, Future Lions 2015, provides a demonstration of how this works.
There’s no word when the program will officially launch, but considering the launch of the Apple Watch is just days away, it shouldn’t be too far from release.