Gamers taking part in charitable foundations is nothing new, as many participate in the yearly Extra Life event, raising millions of dollars to help sick kids at children’s hospitals nationwide. However, the team over at Awesome Games Done Quick have done some impressive work themselves, managing to get millions of views — and dollars — out of “speed running” through their favorite games.
For those unfamiliar with the term, “speed running” of games means blasting through them as quickly as possible, and can range from 8-bit classics like Mega Man and Super Mario Bros. to more modern titles like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. With this year’s broadcast, the Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ for short) team ran through 160 hours of live streaming this past January, in the hopes of raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Needless to say, it was quite successful. recently put together a chart showing just how successful AGDQ was with its broadcast, which drew in 9.4 million viewers and raised $1.58 million dollars for the Foundation. In addition, the chart also shows that the AGDQ channel has grown impressively over the last couple of years. In 2012, it had 1.15 million viewers. This year, it rose up to 29.2 million — and should be even larger next year.
As you can see by the chart, many other statistics were also revealed for individual viewers. The average unique viewer tuned in for an estimated 98 minutes, while the maximum concurrent viewers reached 170,000 in the channel at one point — pretty impressive for a Twitch broadcast that didn’t revolve around a tournament.
The social front was also huge within the channel, with a total of over 3.3 million chat messages, across over 300,000 unique chatters. Many of them also used “emotes,” or images to express certain things happening in the game, such as a puppy dog face.
It just goes to show that gamers definitely care about raising money for a good cause — all while having a good time as they “speed run” through Super Metroid.