Ad Age lists the top 10 viral videos for the week of Feb. 1.
New entries this week are topped by Bud Light’s made-for-viral Clothing Drive, debuting at number one with just under 1.3 million views. The spot was billed as the follow-up to Bud Light’s Swear Jar ad aired during last year s Super Bowl, but the beer brand knew better than to try and get this one past censors. Ad Age says that Super Bowl buzz likely helped drive its popularity online. Another high-placing premiere is a Super Bowl ad. Doritos TV spot about a guy playing dead for corn chips placed number four with about 667,000 views. Right below it with about 648,000 views is the last new entry for the week, a well-crafted British public service announcement for wearing seatbelts.
Ad Age’s chart includes number of views for the week and percentage change in views for videos that stayed on the chart. The list is compiled by Visible Measures.
Check out the full list and watch the videos at Ad Age {link no longer active}.