Approximately 8.6 percent of US adults downloaded or listened to a podcast in the last 30 days, up from seven percent a year ago. GfK MRI’s “Survey of the American Consumer” explores the behavior of podcast users in the US. The study found that 22 percent read print magazines, 69 percent visited a newspaper website and 68 percent visited a magazine website in the last 30 days.

Snapchat may be losing its charm with influencers. A study of 550 social influencers by Collective Bias found that only one percent of influencers feel Snapchat will be the most important social channel in five years. Almost 70 percent had paused certain social accounts to prioritize others, with 46 percent naming Snapchat as their first choice to cut.

For social influencers, creative freedom is a must when working with a brand. A survey of over 700 social influencers found that 80 percent are deterred from working with brands that control their content too much. The Clever study “Inside the Influencer Mind” also found that nine-out-of-10 influencers must like a brand before accepting its sponsorship.

While marketing automation business and industry companies accounted for 41 percent of all marketing automation worldwide in 2016, B2C companies are using this technology, too. According to data from agency Bold Digital and marketing tech firm SimilarTech, internet and telecom accounted for nine percent of companies using marketing automation last year. Other B2C industries employing this technology include health (6.7 percent), arts and entertainment (5.6 percent) and shopping (4.8 percent).

Female adult gamers in Britain plan to spend £1.1 billion ($1.4 billion) on video games and their accessories over the next 12 months, according to Barclays Corporate Banking’s “UK Video Gamers Trends Survey.” Women are more likely to consider gaming to be a solitary activity, with only nine percent of female respondents playing games socially compared to men (11 percent). Eighty-seven percent of women prefer gaming on mobile devices to consoles or computers, with the majority of mobile games being single-player titles, compared to 77 percent of men.

“While trends in mobile and virtual reality are well publicized, female gamers have been a substantial driver of growth in the industry over recent years, opening up a part of the market that was previously overlooked,” Sean Duffy, head of technology, media and telecoms at Barclays, said in a statement. “Of all of the platforms we surveyed, mobile is forecast to see the most growth over the next five years. There is a big opportunity for developers to expand the female market with mobile games targeting women.

Overall digital game sales in Australia saw a 20 percent annual growth rate between 2013 and 2016. “Digital Australia 2018” is the seventh study in a series from the Interactive Games & Entertainment Association that started in 2005. This year’s study surveyed 1,234 Australian households and 3,135 individuals. Two-thirds of respondents are playing video games, comprised of 46 percent women and 43 percent over the age of 65.

“We know most Australians play. We know the opportunities that games present, both for Australians and the economy,” Ron Curry, CEO of IGEA told Mumbrella. “It’s time that the government recognizes and treats the Australian video games sector as a legitimate industry.”

As of June 30, there have been 63.3 million PlayStation 4 consoles sold, more than twice the amount of its rival, the Xbox One. Sony’s console continues to dominate in gaming hardware, enjoying its best month ever in June 2017.

A majority (75 percent) of Millennials and Generation Z are willing to share personal information in exchange for a personalized experience, according to a survey by Crowdtwist. “Generation Z vs. Millennials: The Changing Landscape of Loyalty” explores the loyalty program preferences of today’s young consumers. The study also found that despite being digital natives, 57 percent of Generation Z prefer shopping in-store.

Eighty percent of consumers want to use AR or VR to design a room or physical space by browsing virtual or physical showrooms, getting information about furniture and décor, and “seeing” what it looks like, according to a survey by L.E.K. Consulting. The survey of 1,000 early-adopter consumers explored how AR/VR consumers feel about shopping on the platform. Seventy percent are strongly interested in virtual shopping, the study found, where consumers use VR headsets to shop in a virtual store with a friend who isn’t physically present, or with an AI “virtual shopper” similar to Alexa or Siri.

Editor’s Note: This story will be updated daily until Friday, August 4. Have a new report, study or tip? Let us know at