Just over a year ago, Twitch hosted a wildly popular Twitch Plays Pokémon event, in which streamers could control an on-screen character by typing in commands to the user chat. Over 70,000 people took part in that promotion, and though following events haven’t drawn as big an audience, they continue to bring in enough of a collective following to make them worthwhile.
This week, these users will get their chance to test out this system on someone entirely different – a human being.
Twitch has announced that it has teamed up with Old Spice and Procter & Gamble to launch a new promotion that kicks off on April 16. “The Old Spice Nature Adventure” will follow a human male as he ventures into the woods, following certain commands given to him from people in the chat room. Although not everything will be considered, it will allow people the opportunity to go a little nuts. Hidden booby-traps and silly gags will also be thrown in to keep things interesting, according to TechCrunch. This includes talking trees and a bear that isn’t afraid to arm wrestle.
A narrator will recap the events as they happen, following the same style as the popular “Look At Your Man” commercials.
This is an interesting approach for an ad campaign, taking the successful Twitch Plays Pokémon format and applying it to a native ad format. Still, it continues in the trend of Old Spice’s offbeat ad campaigns as of late, ranging from Terry Crews doing a number of things with his muscles (ranging from explosions to playing musical instruments) to strange things happening in nature – like a bear inadvertently delivering Old Spice products on his tongue, as seen in the video below.