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Sony Dropped Eight Million Flower Petals On A Costa Rican Village To Promote TV

In an effort to promote their new line of televisions, Sony dropped eight million vibrantly colored flower petals (three and a half tons) on a Costa Rican village in hopes to advocate for the quality, definition and representation of their new TVs, which promises four-times the detail of HD.

The epic photo shoot was captured by photographer Nick Meek and filmmaker Jaron Albertin, and organized by McCann. The idea for the promotion was to cover the area near the Irazú Volcano – located in central Costa Rica – with a flower petal for every pixel in Sony’s 4K Ultra HD TV.

According to Sony’s behind-the-scenes video, the crew hand-picked the most vibrant flowers they could find in the region to submerge the streets with color and then seized the breathtaking  spectacle with almost no digital manipulation.

Source: PSFK