Player housing has been a part of MMORPGs since Ultima Online, and its a feature in many other titles. Despite ongoing discussions on the matter, game producer J Allen Brack says that it may not ever happen in World of Warcraft.
“Player-housing has been on the list of something we want to do even back before the original realm box [first game release] shipped – it was a feature that didn’t make that,” said Brack. “It’s one of those things we talk about every expansion – what would this look like in WoW I don’t necessarily think that it’ll ever actually happen for WoW because the thing that we want to do is . . . I don’t think it’s sufficient enough for us in WoW to just say, ‘Hey we have player housing – great.’ There’s got to be some reason to have that, there’s got to be gameplay behind that, stuff that happens.”
“So thinking about the content creation we need in order to make that successful, as well as the other content creation that we need to do just to keep the game going, makes that . . .” Allen trailed off. “[Player housing] has fallen off the list of things that we’re willing to tackle on a per-expansion basis I guess one, two, three times now – so we’ll see what happens for the next time.”
Source: Eurogamer