In an effort to compete with such services as Steam and Origin, Trion Worlds has announced a new games-oriented platform known as Glyph, which will serve as part of an effort to rebrand the company, as well as help developers find a new audience for their efforts.
Using Glyph, developers can reach out to Trion’s ten million registered users, who have played a number of their games, including Rift and Defiance, among others.
Speaking with GamesBeat, Scott Hartsman, chief executive of Trion Worlds, explained that the point of Glyph will be to make it a cinch to cross-promote new games to the existing gaming audience, particularly opening a door to both free-to-play games and more “hardcore” efforts.
“I don’t have to tell you how much the game industry has changed over the last year,” said Hartsman. “Excitement is happening everywhere. Glyph was a way to open a brand new use for our platform. We want to be a huge force for good. We can give developers more visibility.”
Trion will announce the developers that are on board with the program next week during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Source: Venturebeat