3Emoji images have taken off with brands, whether through general expressions on Facebook or with brands linking specifically to images with hashtags, like #starwars on Twitter. Now Taco Bell has a new campaign that’s ready to change how people look at emoji forever — through tacos.
The company has announced a new social marketing blitz that introduces over 600 pieces of unique content for users to interact with. From there, content will go back to its revamped website, aptly named ta.co, according to AdWeek.
With the program, people can tweet a picture of a taco emoji with another attached picture on the brand’s account. By combining the two, they will receive back a customized image that matches something in the company’s program. For instance, if a user sends a tweet to @tacobell with a taco and a smiley face, they’ll get back a taco wearing sunglasses.
Additionally, the program will also tie in with special images via Instagram, which should appeal to both teen and millennial audiences. It also intends to introduce four new limited edition “taco holster” packages that revolve around its popular Doritos Locos tacos in Taco Bell locations across the United States.
Regarding the custom emojis, Marisa Thalberg, chief brand engagement officer for Taco Bell, stated, “They’re all means to be fun, almost collectible pieces. I think they’re going to be highlight Instagramable.”
The company hopes that its emojis will become part of the digital sticker section of the digital keyboard found on many smartphones, as it attempted last year with a Change.org petition that saw over 33,000 signatures. Unicode Consortium followed that with an official taco emoji released earlier this year.
“This is about the taco having its rightful place in the official emoji keyboard — this wasn’t about us doing a branded thing, this was about the taco itself,” said Thalberg. “We had our hopes raised and dashed a few times along the way, but ultimately Unicode came through, and it’s here.”
The Taco Bell program features a wild assortment of taco-based imagery for people to share with one another, and should see some form of engagement as 2015 comes to a close.
Taco Bell is already flying high on promotions for the year, having previously teamed up with Sony Computer Entertainment of America to offer limited edition PlayStation 4 consoles, featuring a gold trim and packed with a copy of the company’s biggest hit for the holiday season: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. That program was a huge success, backed by a solid TV campaign.
For the company, everything is certainly tacos and smileys.