T-Mobile recently launched what it called its “Uncarrier” plans. In the immediate aftermath of the announcement, subscribers urged Verizon to drop wireless contracts as well.
Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, however, is criticizing T-Mobile for what he calls “deceptive advertising that promised consumers no annual contracts.” While T-Mobile’s Uncarrier plans are no longer tied with cell service contracts or smartphone subsidies, users still have to sign an agreement to pay the full cost of handsets if they cancel their Uncarrier service plan before time.
T-Mobile has responded by signing an Assurance of Discontinuance and will longer advertise that customers can get wireless service and devices without any restrictions. T-Mobile will tell customers excplictly that they will have to pay the balance due on the device if they cancel their wireless service plan and those that purchased the plan before April 25 can cancel without penalty.
Source: UberGizmo.com