Star Wars: The Old Republic is off to a fast start, collecting well over a million players within its first week or so of launching. While there have been some connection issues and the review scores have been in the mid 80s rather than the 90s, EA COO Peter Moore is pleased with the response given to the game so far.
“I was watching every hour of every day because a lot of the work we needed to do in Customer Experience reports directly to me – even though BioWare handles its own customer service as you probably know,” Moore remarked. “But look, there’s a reason it’s an MMO; it’s a massive game and when I think of all the MMOs I have seen launched I can’t think of one that has been launched flawlessly. There’s so much you don’t know and when you’ve got a million people coming in and playing, I’d like to be able to guarantee a completely flawless experience from a technology perspective, from an interaction perspective, but again I look at it every hour and when we look at the queue times to get on the servers, the amount of downtime that is scheduled, it’s green lights all the way. I couldn’t be more happy,”
“We’re only three weeks in since the launch and we’re stable, we’re robust and adding people. It was a ramped phase-up, and we made sure for the people as they came in that they had a great experience,” he continued, “Was it perfect No. Did anybody really expect something of this magnitude and complexity to be perfect No, but the key is how you resolve those problems and move on quickly and I think our teams have done that well.”