Free-to-play is an major emerging trend in gaming. However, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata indicated that they will not bring their games to other platforms and will not have a no pay model.
“If we were simply going to say okay, the only the way we could sell more products is by decreasing the price, then there wouldn’t be a bright future and the entire industry will fold, said Iwata. “I’m not interested in offering software for free of charge. That’s because I myself am one of the game developers, who in the future wants to make efforts so the value of the software will be appreciated by the consumers.”
“Yes, it is true. There are great examples of advertising and doing the microtranscactions, and several companies who have come up with that kind of system,” added Iwata. “But on the other hand, if you ask me, is this the system that can be sustained for the long time I don’t know the answer. And, my point is that I’m not willing to go that direction, as well.”
When you asked me if I’m interested in this kind of system or that kind of system, I have to say, ‘No I’m not. No, I’m not interested,'” he mentioned. “And, if we do something similar, we are going to come up with something completely different ourselves.”
Source: Wall Street Journal