Video obviously has strong value for the advertising medium, and interactive videos ads have a good chance of coming into their own now. Things like Innovid’s iRoll (which easily allows marketers to take video interactive), Mixpo (takes TV spots and adds overlays) and Veeple (can take videos and add clickable elements) all have a chance to make a huge splash.
“The value of interactivity in online advertising is not lost on digital marketers,” writes David Rossiter. “It allows us to trade in a few lines of text for an engaging in-banner branding experience, and to encourage consumers to get to know our products and services before they even reach our site. As marketers, we’ve incorporated interactivity into our campaigns in countless ways — to the point where consumers have almost come to expect this feature in the ads they are served.”
“What if you were to unite interactivity – a vital element of display advertising – with video – one of the most effective ad formats, which, according to a recent study, outperforms virtually all other formats in aiding brand awareness, online ad awareness, brand favorability, and purchase intent” adds Rossiter. “In a way, the process would be the technological equivalent of selective breeding, with the result resembling a powerful beast that manifests all the best qualities and genetic traits of its pedigreed parents.”
Source: iMediaConnection