Bungie co-founder Alex Seropian has revealed that his new company will be Industrial Toys. Along with work at Bungie that includes Marathon and Halo, he helped found Wideload Games and headed up the core gaming team at Disney Interactive Studios.

“We’re big fans of mobile gaming, but we think there aren’t enough great mobile games for core gamers and we want to try and change that,” reads the company’s description. “We’ll be mobile to the core, with games that let you have an immersive session at home that blows your mind apart as well as a 30-second experience that still moves you forward while you’re waiting for the bus. We’re going deep on story and community and all that crunchy goodness that we like to geek out on.”

“We believe that the future of gaming is about being accessible without sacrificing quality,” it continues. “That mobile technology allows us the creativity to invent more dynamic gameplay. And that games are meant to develop and thrive as open collaboration between game designer and user.”

Source: facebook.com/industrialtoys  {page no longer active}