The Halo franchise is no stranger to large ad campaigns, and for good reason. Halo is the franchise people purchase Xbox hardware for. Halo 3 had its ‘Believe’ campaign and Halo 3: ODST introduced the ‘We Are ODST’ ads, but Bungie community director Brian Jarrard thinks Halo: Reach will be grander still in its ads.

“We’re very optimistic, said Jarrard. We have a lot riding on this game and we have high expectations for it. I think you can expect to see a lot more grandiose marketing efforts; things will be at a much higher scale than they were for ODST.”

“There are a lot of great games coming out this fall, a lot of shooters in particular. I think we definitely benefit from having a really huge built-in audience. We have a huge, high-level, pop-culture awareness that a lot of other games don’t. The 360 has a much bigger install base than we had back in the Halo 3 era, so a lot of things are working in our favor,” he continued. “We certainly feel Reach will be the best Halo game that Bungie’s ever made, and I think Microsoft’s going to bet really big behind it. This is what Microsoft does really well big, huge entertainment launches. You’re going to see that happen again for Reach.”

Source: IndustryGamers  {link no longer active}