The pre-owned game issue is one that’s consistently brought up when it comes to the PS4, with some reports stating that it will be up to individual publishers whether they want to restrict access to pre-owned content. GameStop president Tony Bartel has a more vested interest than most in used games and implied in an interview it would be best if console manufacturers didn’t impede their sale.

“There has been a lot of speculation on this topic,” said Bartel. “Console manufacturers understand that recent surveys indicate 60+ percent of video game consumers would be less likely to purchase a new console that did not play pre-owned games. Also, used games generate more than $1 billion of trade credit annually, 70 percent of which is credited towards purchasing new games and new hardware. We are committed to supporting the gaming community with the widest offering of hardware and software in all formats as the industry evolves. Given that there are more than 100 million current generation systems in the U.S. alone, that market will remain alive for some time to come.”

There is also the suggestion that the Gaikai technology will be used to deliver legacy PlayStation content to the PS4 via streaming, and while GameStop has all but divested itself of PS1 and PS2 games, Bartel seemed skeptical of the move. “I think consumers will want to see and try this future technology before committing to purchase based solely on the streaming feature. Plus, the cost of this service is still unknown,” he said. “Even with digital options potentially available, our buy-sell-trade business will continue to offer a compelling value proposition for those entry-level consumers.”
