CCP is busy working on the console shooter MMO title called Dust 514. While some think the microtransactions system that will support the game will become a crowded market soon, CCP’s senior director of business development Yohei Ishii isn’t that concerned.

There are probably a lot of companies who are going to be monetizing through microtransactions, there’s no doubt about that. But in terms of having an MMO on console that’s made for the console – we’re not too worried,” described Ishii. “We’ve never done console games, though again we have some great middleware partners, but also some amazing industry veterans, from Ubisoft, from DICE, from all over. One of the founders of DICE actually joined our Shanghai studio, and he’s pretty incredible.”

We’re going to have annual expansions, so every year we’re going to have a box refresh. It’s not just putting out an annual expansion pack – the expansions are free anyway; we’re not going to sell those. Just like EVE, he continued. Both console manufacturers have been very open to the things that we’re looking for. They all know that games can be even more connected than where they are today. It’s not just about downloading the game and then you’re done.
