White Castle is sponsoring a live dance party called “Slider Jam,” hosted by Dude Skywalker and streamed on the DJ duo’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitch. In celebration of White Castle’s National Slider Day, on May 15, the virtual event will help raise money for the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund, which provides grants to restaurant workers affected by the pandemic. Viewers can make donations through donation links on the platforms where the dance party will take place, on May 15 at 8 p.m. EST. White Castle’s goal is to raise $10,000 from the party.
In addition to the virtual event, White Castle is giving out free sliders at all participating White Castles, no purchase necessary. Fans can redeem the drive-thru offer via a digital coupon posted to the company’s site.
Between May 15 through June 15, White Castle is also giving EMTs, healthcare workers and grocery store and food retail employees 20 percent off all orders placed in its restaurants.
White Castle’s National Slider Day campaign has two social media components. On Friday, it will release video meeting backgrounds “featuring the creative scenes you’ve had a hankering for” on its social media channels with a link to download them.
In an attempt to spread uplifting news, White Castle is encouraging users to post about acts of altruism running as part of a social campaign with the hashtag #CraveTheGood.
The virtual dance party builds upon White Castle’s recent COVID efforts. In early April, it announced that it would give out free meals to healthcare workers and EMTs, from April 7 to April 30 via drive-thru; all they had to do was show their work ID. White Castle also delivered free sliders to hospitals and other healthcare facilities in regions where there are White Castle restaurants.
“Just a week ago, we were seeing little effect (on business from the coronavirus), but then toward the end of last week, as more guidance came out, we did see some declines in restaurant business. But our brand is unique in that we offer consumer packaged goods too … and that business has been really, really strong … though the rest of business … was down significantly as more people weren’t going out,” White Castle vice president Jamie Richardson said in an interview with QSRWeb in mid-March.