Trumpy Bear, a mysterious and yet very real toy for purchase, has resurfaced after a new TV ad. A local commercial on Fox News sparked a trending conversation on Monday, leading audiences to once again speculate the bear’s origins.
According to the advertisement—for two payments of $19.99, viewers can order a 22-inch stuffed bear made to look like President Donald Trump, down to the blonde comb-over and business suit. Trumpy Bear features an American flag hidden in a secret pocket. The flag compartment is located behind its neck—despite what critics have so colorfully referred to as, “up his butt.”
Trumpy Bear picked up media attention this week when a commercial aired on Fox News. The spot aired locally, a spokesperson told HuffPost, denying any national business relationship with Exceptional Products. Regardless, Fox News found itself on the receiving end of mockery and questioning for running the ad.
Whether the bear was meant to support or belittle the President is still a mystery, but its origin is not. Trumpy Bear is sold by Exceptional Products—a Texas-based company, although not much else is known about how the product came to be. A description on the Exceptional Products website claims the company is a “direct response marketing company that specializes in creating nationally known brand names for new products by using infomercials, direct response television and other marketing methods.”
Trumpy Bear appeared on the scene last July in the form of an infomercial. The toy is presented in a tone so over-the-top that audiences could not determine whether a real product was for sale. Trumpy Bear is shown riding with a former Marine on his motorcycle and on a golf cart, making his owner’s game “great again,” all to the booming voice of a dramatic narrator.
If the bear is a joke, someone is paying a lot of money to spread the laughs. In October, the two-minute infomercial began running on four networks: Animal Planet, Discovery, Grit TV and INSP. Over the past week, the TV campaign has expanded to 10 networks including the Outdoor Channel and the American Heroes Channel.
We know it’s real, but what consumers really want to know is, does it tweet?