Dr Pepper announced the return of its parody television show drama, Fansville, for the 2019-2020 college football season with a 60-second video spot that dramatizes football fandom in the fictional town of Fansville. Back for its second season, Fansville will air throughout the football season on ESPN, CBS and FOX via nine unique campaign spots that feature classic television story lines. The series will extend to digital, radio, out-of-home (OOH) advertising and Dr Pepper’s social platforms.
The second season’s trailer opens with the mayor of Fansville kicking off celebrations of the 150th anniversary tailgate at the town hall. Residents of Fansville are then shown in various real-life situations responding to events that test their diehard love and commitment to football while drinking the official drink of Fansville, Dr Pepper. In response to a gurney being pushed in the emergency room, the doctor exclaims, “Someone get him a Dr Pepper, stat!” On a surprise visit to their son’s college dorm room, a mother and father walk in on their son holding a lacrosse stick, much to their dismay. The son is later shown being arrested for betraying his hometown’s favorite sport of football. The trailer concludes with a girl bellowing in disbelief when her friend tells her she’s switching from football to tech.
Fans can watch the drama of Fansville unfold every Saturday during the college football season and expect the season finale to air during the National Championship on January 13, 2020.
“Fansville was created to celebrate the commitment of Dr Pepper to both the sport of college football and the fan community. Loyalty, rivalry and competition are inherent to college football, and it is important to us that Fansville leans into those real fan feelings,” said Derek Dabrowski, vice president of brand marketing for Dr Pepper.
The second season of Fansville is part of a variety of Dr Pepper marketing initiatives that tie into the beverage brand’s sponsorship of the College Football Playoff and Presenting Sponsorship of the National Championship Trophy through 2026. This year marks the 11th anniversary of Dr Pepper’s Tuition Giveaway which has so far awarded $10 million to deserving college students.