Matt Turnbull, executive producer at Xbox Game Studios Publishing will be headlining the workshop Pitch Perfect: The Art Of Pitching Your Game, at PAX West.
Read on for a preview and some pre-panel recommendations.
Pitching Your Game In An Uncertain Market—It Can Be Done
According to game publishing veteran Matt Turnbull, it’s possible to get a game publisher to take you—and your yet-to-be-published game seriously. But it requires a well-planned elevator pitch that focuses on the essentials—why your game is one-of-a-kind and a potential asset, rather than a gamble, for a game publisher.
According to the workshop’s blurb, “selling your ideas isn’t a trick, it’s not a manipulation – it’s about communication and collaboration.” Turnbull promises to decode game publishers’ criteria for choosing “the one” as well as how indie developers can most efficiently communicate that value in terms that will resonate with publishers.
Get Panel-Prepared
Watch: PAX streams here, while in-person attendees can attend the workshop today from 6:00 – 7:00PM PST at the Sasquatch Theatre (Sheraton, Level 2).
Listen: Steve Fowler of A List Games discusses the importance of honesty in building connections with audiences and the major players in the gaming ecosystem.
Read: More A List Games content in Game Publishing 101 – discover what drives publishers and the industry.