Teenage superhero Max Steel is back to save Earth from the Ultralink Invasion, and now there’s a mobile app direct from N-Tek that lets his fans join the fight.
Partnering with Ayzenberg Group, Mattel has launched an interactive experience on MaxSteel.com/Invasion {links no longer active} to promote Season 2 of the popular animated series. With the Season 2 trailer on broadcast channels drawing traffic into the experience, a second customizable trailer powered by Google Maps allows users to choose a city near them to watch Max battle the Ultralinks on familiar turf. The action of Season 2 comes to life in the augmented reality Max Steel Ultralink Invasion app that anchors the interactive experience.
Downloadable for iOS and Android {links no longer active} from iTunes and Google Play for phone and tablet, the free new app uses the device’s camera and touchscreen to track, battle and capture Ultralinks in real-world environments wherever you are. With a Max Steel feature film moving into production for 2015, this franchise continues to “Go Turbo.”