Kickstarter has come a long way from a fad that helped Double Fine create Broken Age. The crowdfunding site recently reported that it is about to surpass the $1 billion dollar point when it comes to pledges for its projects.
As of yesterday morning, Kickstarter has reached $999,209,752 in funds for its projects, just $791,000 short of the billion dollar mark. It’s likely to reach that point sometime in the next few days, with so many campaigns currently going on.
Over 136,000 campaigns have been launched on the site, with about 43 percent of them going on to reach their funding goal. Although Games are sixth place in terms of number of campaigns – behind art, publishing, theater, music and film), games have by far the most campaigns that have raised over a million dollars, and gaming campaigns have collectively raised more than any other category.
Here’s to the growing success of crowdfunding!
Source: TechCrunch